Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > interior prayer and relationships > Page 4


Interiority and Relationships

Page 4

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Interior prayer, then, has a two-fold aspect. First, we engage time apart to be quiet, to commune in the silence with Silence, to explore that landscape. Being intimate with ourselves is preparation for being intimate with the other, while being intimate with the other, likewise, is alike preparation for being intimate with ourselves. In this process intimacy, so Love loving, deepens depth-to-depth, with no known end to the exploration of Oneness exploring Itself in the realm of relationship.

As we embody this intimatic interority with another, we can invite each other into the joy and adventure of exploring the unknown terrain of intersubjective union, for the known of the terrain is ever-receding from us into a new unknown. We, together, must consciously choose to traverse these intersections when what has become known gives way to the newness. And, in this, what is vital is our seeing that interior prayer is a way of being-with, even being-mutually-within, other-with-other as prayer happening. Here, we are truly in a different world, and may feel the joy of sailing into unknown waters with the other, whom we know is truly not another, only appearing this way to meet us in a wholly communion. We discover in this bliss, we each have become Prayer, we are Presence in Its becoming, eternally alive in Its own Being becoming all that is being, becoming you and me always.

Kennebec River ~ Winter Series no. 8

*Brian Wilcox. 'Kennebec River~Winter Series no. 8'.

(C)Brian K Wilcox, 2020

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > interior prayer and relationships > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2024